The healthiest mind and heart tribe

 LPaz: (Special Feature) The lowest deaths from heart disease are in Hong Kong, Japan and France and the highest deaths are in China.

But scientists are surprised to learn that there is a tribe in the world whose people have the best minds and hearts without modern medicine. The tribe is Tasmania, located in Bolivia.

The Tasmanian tribe has a population of 16,000. According to a 2017 study, these people have the best hearts. But research from 2021 has also shown that the brains of Tasmanians are among the healthiest brains in the world.

The study looked at 746 men and women from the Tasmanian tribe, ranging in age from 40 to 96. His brain was CT scanned. Their brains were compared to those in Germany, the United States and the Netherlands.

Expert research confirmed the 2017 study. It also found that middle-aged and older people had smaller brains than the West. Although the brain was normal in other people, the brain may be smaller due to old age.

According to Andre Erie Mia, a researcher and professor of gynecology, the natural experiences of the Tasmanians have shown how modern lifestyles are affecting our health.

"In the new era, we are becoming mentally weak," he said. Slowing down the brain is the result of the same lifestyle that is causing the spread of heart disease. The findings from the study are not surprising, if the heart is healthy, the brain will be healthy. If the mind is healthy then the heart will be healthy. The question arises as to why the Tasmanians are so healthy or what they eat.

The answer is that their lifestyle is healthy. They live in a natural environment, farm and earn their living by playing games, ie hunting animals. They catch fish, all these processes are closer to nature, which keeps the brain alive. Their males walk 17,000 steps a day and their females 16,000 steps a day.

Their diet is free of fertilizers and other chemicals, ie organic, which is high in fiber. The share of meat in their diet is much lower than in other countries. 17% of calories are obtained from meat, 7% from fresh fish and the rest from rice, corn, potatoes and bananas.

Fruits, fruits and vegetables are also part of their diet, while most people in the West eat saturated fats, which affect brain and heart health. They get 72% of their calories from carbohydrates, compared to 52% in the United States. These tribes get 14% of their calories from fat, compared to 34% in the United States.

The researchers also concluded that the natural lifestyle of the people of Tasmania is not only the reason for their health, but it can also happen naturally. "Although the Tasmanians are far from the modern world and medicine, they suffer from infections, inflammation and swelling," he said.

In Tasmanian people, the inflammation may be due to a respiratory or gastrointestinal disease or an infection, while in the West, the inflammation is due to obesity. There are also metabolic reasons for this. Excessive consumption of sugar or fats in our diet can damage our brain tissues, which can lead to Alzheimer's disease.

Experts in Chicago are also researching whether good diet and exercise can reduce brain degeneration in the elderly. Professor Shannon Halloway says people in the West need to change their lifestyles. They need to change their habits. Have a good relationship with your neighbors, jogging or brisk walking. Be sure to do something you enjoy. ”..


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